dong Malongdong - 马龙洞

Détail31/12/2024 11:57:18

Nom de la grotte : Malongdong - 马龙洞
Autres noms : Grotta del drago cavallo, Dragon Horse Cave
Province, Préfecture, District :
Guizhou 贵州省, Bijie Diqu 毕节地区, Qianxi 黔西
Latitude Nord - Longitude Est :
27.088801 - 105.81606
Altitude (m) : 0
Développement (m) : 285
Profondeur (m) : 16
Profondeur - / + (m) : 16 /
Volume (m3) :
1Entrée : Malongdong 马龙洞,


Description 1

Ma Long Dong – Dragon Horse Cave (GZ/Qx/13)

Guizhou, Qianxi County, Xixi River

Cave description:

The cave opens on the left orographic side of the deep canyon where Xixi River runs, at about 20 km from Honglin village. The cave is slightly higher (30 m) than the river, and its development has been influenced by the river changes: in fact, the deepening of the riverbed changed the cave from being resurgence to an overflow conduit. The entrance is not easily recognizable, it opens into a 250 m long, inactive gallery, with a diameter often more than 20 m; it was formed by the collapse of several phreatic conduits whose remains are still partly recognizable. The gallery is covered by clastic debris, which is most abundant near the numerous, large collapse rooms. The gallery ends in a large collapse room with sand layer, at the end of which is the siphon that feeds the overflow conduit. The lower part of the room is clear of debris; the floor is covered with small plunge-pools with sharp edges. They have a diameter spanning from 1 to some tens of meters, and reach the shores of a suspended lake, at a higher level than the siphon. The cave has been used for centuries by the local population to produce lime, an activity which usually takes place in well-ventilated areas. In fact, ovens can be found up to hundred meters into the cave, thus ensuring a good air circulation, which is nonetheless difficult to perceive, due to the large size of the cave.

(G. Gozzo)

Leonardo Latella, Roberto Zorzin : Caves explored during the scientific expeditions to China of the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of Verona
Research in South China Karst - Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona - 2. serie - Monografie Naturalistiche 3-2008
Analyse : gkc-JPB
Results of the 13 expeditions organized by the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of Verona to southern China. One-hundred-twenty-five caves were explored, for a total of more than 60 km in length. For each cave we list the progressive number, the cadastral number, the type of research conducted and a short description of the cave. Most of the caves are located in Guizhou Province, in Qianxi County. The hydrogeology, biology, geography and archaeology of the area were investigated during the scientific expeditions. 40 pages, No caves maps, 21 photos.

1478 caractères - Lu 10 Fois

Bibliographie 2

ABRESCIA, Fabrizio; LATELLA, Leonardo; ROSSI, Guido; ZORZIN, Roberto : Guizhou 2000. Spedizione italiana in Cina
Speleologia SSI, anno XXI, n. 43, dicembre 2000 : 44-51. 5 foto, 2 rilievi, fig.
Risultati della spedizione nel carso di Hong Lin (Qianxi, Guizhou). Esplorazione di una quindicina di cavità, tra cui: Bai Long Don 2840 m, +129 m; Aito Dong 1500 m, –25 m; Wang Tian Dong 1040 m, –85 m; Grotta "Gambe di Legno" 1397 m, –62 m. (MS).
Source : BBS

Leonardo Latella, Roberto Zorzin : Caves explored during the scientific expeditions to China of the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of Verona
Research in South China Karst - Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona - 2. serie - Monografie Naturalistiche 3-2008
Results of the 13 expeditions organized by the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of Verona to southern China. One-hundred-twenty-five caves were explored, for a total of more than 60 km in length. For each cave we list the progressive number, the cadastral number, the type of research conducted and a short description of the cave. Most of the caves are located in Guizhou Province, in Qianxi County. The hydrogeology, biology, geography and archaeology of the area were investigated during the scientific expeditions. 40 pages, No caves maps, 21 photos.
Source : gkc-JPB

Images 0

Topographie 0

Expédition 1

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