A large entrance with a pitch on the left, which we were told, was 68m into a river. In
fact it was more like 20m and no river. On the right there is a way down through
boulders and down a number of climbs, which avoids the pitch. At the bottom of this
section water sinks into a gravel floor. Climbing up a parallel passage leads to a
junction. Up further and then right leads to a very large chamber about the size of a
couple of football pitches. There are a number of large formations and red calcite
slopes. Back at the junction a passage leads to an area where the water can be
followed to a pitch. A climb and traverse leads to a dry way down for about 25m this
was descended by KG and led to a large passage intersected by the stream passage.
This then leads to a further pitch of 8m. This whole area shows signs of water
backing up and is very unstable. There are a number of signs of recent rock falls so
the pitch was not descended and an exit was made due to the unstable nature of the
place. We were joined by 2 local farmers and the former Director of Propaganda, for
the whole of the trip we had full caving kit they had 1 tin torch between them.
Analyse :
1161 caractères - Lu 4 Fois
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