dong Longlaodong Fossil -

Détail31/12/2024 11:57:16

Nom de la grotte : Longlaodong Fossil -
Province, Préfecture, District :
Chongqing 重庆, , Wulong 武隆县
Latitude Nord - Longitude Est :
29.428331 - 107.665834
Altitude (m) : 0
Développement (m) : 130
Profondeur (m) :
Profondeur - / + (m) : 0 /
Volume (m3) :
1Entrée : Longlaodong Fossil ,


Description 1

There are two entrances, one is 17m wide by 8m high, and the second, 10 m further along the ledge, is 16m wide by 5m high. The first entrance contains the remnants of attempts to wall it up.

Within a few metres there is a vertical mud wall some 4m high with a small (50cm x 50cm) hole leading to the foot of a perfectly cylindrical, possible grain storage pit expertly dug in the mud. This was 1.65m in diameter and 2.60m deep, giving it a very useful capacity of approximately 8.5 cubic metres. The small hole could well have been used to draw grain off as required. Next to the right hand wall is a staircase cut out of hard mud. At its head, and proceeding past the mouth of the pit on a smooth mud floor, the size reduces rapidly to a slot 1m high by 4m wide. This leads to a broad sloping stooping passage which emerges after a few metres into a chamber 40m x 25m with a large, but shallow pool, fed by several drips, on the left hand wall. The only way on is right past a large detached block to a second daylight chamber. Channels have been dug in the floor to conduct the water from the pool to two stone sided storage tanks (each approximately 2.90m x 2m x 1m) and then out to the entrance. There are extensive signs of human occupation in this 20 x 32m chamber. These include speculated fire pits and sleeping platforms. We had no way of determining the age of these remains. There is said to be another cave entrance further along the cliff face, but it cannot be seen from this entrance or the area below the cave. The ledge does not continue further, so closer investigation would mean climbing.

Analyse :

1608 caractères - Lu 24 Fois

Bibliographie 1

Site sur les projets China-Caves et notamment les expé Yangtze Gorges expeditions 94 et 96 et les perspectives. Topos, photos, cartes, descriptifs, anecdotes...
Source : Web

Images 0

Topographie 1

topographie Longlaodong Fossil
Source : Ccp

Expédition 1

Cette grotte a été identifiée ou explorée au minimum par cette (ces) expédition (s) :
