dong Xiongdiaoyandong2 -


Nom de la grotte : Xiongdiaoyandong2 -
Province, Préfecture, District :
Yunnan 云南省, Baoshan 保山, Longling 龙陵县
Latitude Nord - Longitude Est :
24.27689 - 99.01825
Altitude (m) : 1015
Développement (m) : 20
Profondeur (m) : 35
Profondeur - / + (m) : 35 /
Volume (m3) :
1Entrée : Xiongdiaoyandong2 ,


Description 1

Xiong Diao Yan Dong 2

Length: 19.67 m Depth: - 34.72 m

Coordinates : N24.27683, E99.01835

The cave is located on the massive, situated south above the villages Haitoucun and Yangmeipo. The entrance is situated at about 1.75 km (on strait line) and 2.34 km by road S-SW from the Yangmeipo Vill. at 1015 m. a.s.l. .Coordinates (N24.27689 E99.01825).The cave is vertical. It is formed along the fissure with direction NE – SW. The cave has 3 entrances. Entrance 1 is with dimensions 0.60 х 2.80 m. Entrance 2 is 1 m high and 0.80 m wide. Entrance 3 is 2.92 m long. Described from the entrance 1 the cave consist 3 pits as followed: Pit 1 is 14 m deep , Pit 2 is 16 m deep and leads from pit 3 which depth is 4.50 m. The depth of the cave measured from the entrance 3 is 18 m. The dimensions of the bottom is 7.40 x 5.54 m. The cave is surveyed by T.Markov

Alexey Zhalov edited by, Chinese-bulgarian speleological expedition “Gaolingongshan 2013” in Yunnan province, China. (2016)
Gaoligonshan 2013 Expedition Report - Editors : Alexey Zhalov & Boyan Petrov. Description of the caves: Alexey Zhalov. Photos: Alexey Zhalov, Boyan Petrov, Zhang Fan. Edition of © Bulgarian Caving Society , November 2016.
Analyse :
This report details the joint Chinese-Bulgarian expedition carried out by members and friends of Bulgarian Caving Society in collaboration with the Yunnan Institute of Geography & China Exploration & Research Society (CERS)- Yunnan branch. The primary aim of the 2013 joint Chinese-Bulgarian expedition was to continue the exploration of caves in Gaoligongshan Mountain and some unexplored adjacent areas in Yunnan Province of China. Six speleologists from Bulgaria and four from China took part in the survey carried between 4 and 14th November 2013. During the expedition 14 caves with total length of 2302.60 m and depth of 379.06 m were studied and mapped. Xian Ren Dong next to MengnuozСen village was the most significant cave explored by the team. Its length was measured to be 1863.70 m. Rich cave-dwelling fauna was collected from 6 of the caves and three species of carabid beetles was proved and described as new to science.

855 caractères - Lu 262 Fois

Bibliographie 1

Alexey Zhalov edited by, Chinese-bulgarian speleological expedition “Gaolingongshan 2013” in Yunnan province, China. (2016)
Gaoligonshan 2013 Expedition Report - Editors : Alexey Zhalov & Boyan Petrov. Description of the caves: Alexey Zhalov. Photos: Alexey Zhalov, Boyan Petrov, Zhang Fan. Edition of © Bulgarian Caving Society , November 2016.
This report details the joint Chinese-Bulgarian expedition carried out by members and friends of Bulgarian Caving Society in collaboration with the Yunnan Institute of Geography & China Exploration & Research Society (CERS)- Yunnan branch. The primary aim of the 2013 joint Chinese-Bulgarian expedition was to continue the exploration of caves in Gaoligongshan Mountain and some unexplored adjacent areas in Yunnan Province of China. Six speleologists from Bulgaria and four from China took part in the survey carried between 4 and 14th November 2013. During the expedition 14 caves with total length of 2302.60 m and depth of 379.06 m were studied and mapped. Xian Ren Dong next to MengnuozСen village was the most significant cave explored by the team. Its length was measured to be 1863.70 m. Rich cave-dwelling fauna was collected from 6 of the caves and three species of carabid beetles was proved and described as new to science.
Source :

Images 0

Topographie 1

topographie Xiongdiaoyandong2

Expédition 1

Cette grotte a été identifiée ou explorée au minimum par cette (ces) expédition (s) :
