dong Xinlukoudong - 新路口洞

Détail31/12/2024 11:57:12

Nom de la grotte : Xinlukoudong - 新路口洞
Autres noms : Xinloukoudong
Province, Préfecture, District :
Chongqing 重庆, , Wulong 武隆县
Latitude Nord - Longitude Est :
29.233996 - 107.914256
Altitude (m) : 875
Développement (m) : 438
Profondeur (m) : 215
Profondeur - / + (m) : 215 /
Volume (m3) :
1Entrée : Xinlukoudong 新路口洞,


Description 1

Xin Lu Kou Dong is best approached by walking down the Furong Dong path from Tianxing village, past Dong Ba until you reach a small hamlet in the valley bottom. The cave is about 50 metres above the hamlet to the northwest and you should ask the farmer for directions! The final approach to the entrance involves a slightly delicate traverse over a small cliff into a phreatic tube about 2 metres in diameter.

There is a cold draught at floor level and warmer air near the ceiling. After about 40 metres water falls from an aven and the phreatic tube gains a vadose canyon in the floor. This canyon becomes increasingly well developed and after about 120 metres, deep holes in the floor capture the tiny stream. The canyon continues to the head of a pitch which is the start of a 143 metre shaft. The phreatic tube, which is so clear at the entrance, is no longer in evidence and there appears to be only a slight possibility that a passage continues over the shaft.

The first pitch of 10 metres lands on a large ledge with an old rotten winch. This is a relic of a Chinese exploration in the 1960's when a hydrological survey of the area attempted to map the water level in the region. Some poor unfortunate was lowered down the shaft using this winch, but owing to the deviations in the shaft it is unlikely they reached the bottom. The last 60 metre pitch lands on a boulder floor in a 10 metre wide rift chamber.

To the northeast, a small hole was dug to enter a canyon and a pitch. This route was explored in 1996 and led to some short pitches and climbs before degenerating into an awkward muddy crawl with squeezes.

The obvious way on is down the chamber to the southwest and down into a small vadose canyon with a tiny stream. The stream turns left (straight on ends after a few metres) and the cave continues down a series of clean-washed climbs and across pools to an 8.5 metre pitch. This section of cave is strongly influenced by joints and water falling from the roof is probably from the 'holes in the floor' which capture the small stream in the entrance passage. A squeeze in a rift regains a canyon which descends to a climb then another 6.5 metre pitch.

Below this point the size of the cave reduces and progress is made by crawling and stooping in an immature canyon half filled with water. A bat was encountered right at the limit of exploration, which may suggest the bottom is worth pushing.

YGE94 p76,77(S) misnamed .Lou.

Analyse :

2445 caractères - Lu 22 Fois

Bibliographie 1

SENIOR, Kevin J. (ed.) (1995): The Yangtze Gorges Expedition: China Caves Project 1994.-
Cave and Karst Science vol.22 no.2 / Oct 1995: 53-90. (maps. photos. surveys).
This was the latest in a collaborative expedition involving British speleologists and karst scientists from the Institute of Karst Geology in Guilin. This paper presents the results of exploration in four study areas within Sichuan Province and 13.5 km of cave passages were surveyed. The Xio Zhai Tien Ken to Mie Gong He Dong cave system, a 4.5 km through trip, is the deepest cave in China at -964 m and the Xio Zhai Tien Ken doline is probably the largest doline in the world at 135.3 million cubic metres (both Xin Long area). Xin Lou Kou dong (Jiang Kou area) is -215 m deep; Lungci dong (Ba Xian area) has a length of 1.08 km. Hydrology and cave development are discussed and there is a brief note on cave conservation. (AUTHORS; RM; RB).
Source : BBS

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Topographie 0

Expédition 1

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