dong Changshadong -


est une entrée de :
Ranjiayandong -
Nom de la grotte : Changshadong -
Province, Préfecture, District :
Guizhou 贵州省, Qianxinan 黔西南布依族苗族自治州, Anlong 安龙
Latitude Nord - Longitude Est :
25.304984 - 105.618065
Altitude (m) : 0
2Entrée : Changshadong , Ranjiayandong ,


Description 1

Chang Sha Dong- ‘Barnstormer Pitch’- 25.304066°, 105.611642°

One of the expeditions certain objectives was the undescended pitch at the end of Chang Sha Dong which lay along the suspected line of development between An He Doline and the Si Fang Resurgence. This had been found at the end of the 1989 expedition but lack of time meant that it remained undescended.

Several members of the team found the largest and most westerly entrance into this cave on the first day in the field. The entrance was an open shaft of around 40m x 20m. This was rigged from a boulder on its lowest side and a descent through vegetation for 20m ended on a vertical rock lip with a further 30m free hang to the floor. This pitch ended on a large rubble cone in the centre of a vast, sunlit chamber some 150m across. The way on from this chamber to the head of the Barnstormer pitch was found through a narrowing in the north west corner. The ongoing passage was vast by any standards, over 100m wide in some places and easy to become disorientated in.

The Barnstormer pitch was rigged from the top of a steep calcite and rubble slope to a wide ledge above the deep vertical drop. The next 30m of descent was down flowstone pillars requiring re-belays bolted into calcite of dubious strength. A final free hang of 40m finished at a flowstone floor. From the floor to the roof in this area was around 150m. The chamber was thoroughly scoured for any continuation, the southern end provided the best prospects but the vast quantities of flowstone choked every way on. The chamber at the base of the pitch was extremely attractive but its inaccessibility would not make it a viable tourist site.

Aut. Var.The Guilin Institute of Karst Geology In association with the China Caves Project (2014)
The China Caves Project Expedition Report 2014. Report to the Anlong People’s Government
Analyse :
Rapport d’expédition dans le district de Anlong (Guizhou). 69 pages, 3 cartes, 28 photos couleurs, 12 topographies.

1677 caractères - Lu 284 Fois

Bibliographie 2

DUNTON, Bruce; LAVERTY, Martin (1993): The Caves of Doshan, Guizhou, China.-
Cave Science vol.20 nr.2 / Nov 1993: 65-71 (maps, photos, surveys).
In association with Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang, the caves of the Doshan area of An Long County were examined in 1988 and 1989, leading to the discovery of 22 km of passage and one of the world's largest known chambers. (AUTHORS; RM).
Source : BBS

Aut. Var.The Guilin Institute of Karst Geology In association with the China Caves Project (2014)
The China Caves Project Expedition Report 2014. Report to the Anlong People’s Government
Rapport d’expédition dans le district de Anlong (Guizhou). 69 pages, 3 cartes, 28 photos couleurs, 12 topographies.
Source :

Images 0

Topographie 0

Expédition 2

Cette grotte a été identifiée ou explorée au minimum par cette (ces) expédition (s) :
