Take road from Tianxing towards Mi D&o4;ng. Just before 'MiDong Junction' the cave is located 10m to the right of the road in a 6m diameter depression in a field with a tree.
A small, originally phreatic, joint controlled through-cave with a small stream.
Climb down 4m thru vegetation to stooping/crawling height passage with a little stream and slight outward draft on a warm day (draught fluctuated in 2004.10). After 4m the passage forks, with a flat-out wet crawl to the right and dry passage to the left. The dry passage is a comfortable walking/stooping size, which turns right twice, with about 5m between each turn, in an area of cross joints. A further 10m brings a turn to the left and after a few metres the daylight of a second entrance can be seen 10m to the right. The stream rejoins this passage from the right just before the exit from where it flows over the surface down a steep hillside. Upstream quickly degenerates into a low wet crawl at a righthand corner. The 10m separating the two known sections of streamway has not been forced.
2003.10.20 EML DRJC, 2004.10.12 DRJC RBG
Analyse :
1100 caractères - Lu 222 Fois
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