Follow the road N of Tianxing for 25 minutes, turning off to the W to the head of the westerly of the two valleys that run S to N. Just below a group of farmhouses a small stream flows from the edge of a field on the left, following the side of the hill and turns in to the left where the cave entrance is located -- a small crag with more than one hole. 4m down the main hole can be seen to narrow into a rift.
Entrance pitch of 20 metres leads to upstream and downstream passage. Upstream quickly becomes small (not pushed to definite conclusion). Downstream continues as walking passage, climbing down 2 cascades to head of 20m pitch followed by narrow canyon passage dropping in a series of cascades to walking passage which degenerates to a crawl in water. Beyond enlarges slightly as an inlet enters. But forward progress requires thrutching in tortuous canyon to head of 5m pitch (Collector's Item). Below leads to crawl in water. Continues. A climb 3m from bottom of pitch leads to short section of canyon which closes down.
WDM 2003
Analyse :
1050 caractères - Lu 10 Fois
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