dong Xiashuidong -


Nom de la grotte : Xiashuidong -
Province, Préfecture, District :
Guangxi 广西壮族自治区, Baise 百色市, Lingyun 凌云县
Latitude Nord - Longitude Est :
24.472549 - 106.636296
Altitude (m) : 681
Développement (m) : 668
Profondeur (m) : 154
Profondeur - / + (m) : 0 /
Volume (m3) :
1Entrée : Xiashuidong ,


Description 1

2.9 Xiashuidong

UTM: 48 665831 2707527

Altitude: 681m

Total plan length of survey shots = 668.25m Vertical range = 154.34m

This is a predominately vertical cave with numerous sumps, blind pits and a muddy nature. This was explored over a 4-day period and numerous leads were pursued. There is one large chamber into which it was not possible to descend due to loose rock. This is estimated to be 80m deep. Another lead is a small climb that would give access to more large passage. A tenacious cave that gave up its secrets slowly. Although the entrance was not far above where the river sinks, we were surprised that this cave did not break into a river.

AUT. VAR. Collated by GED CAMPION (2001)
The YRC Guangxi Caves 2000 Expedition. The YRC Bulletin Summer 2001 64 p., 45 photos, 4 cartes, 8 topographies
Analyse : gkc-JPB
Résultat des explorations menéees au cours de l’expédition Guangxi Caves 2000 dans la province du Guangxi (Comtés de Leye et Lingyun).

655 caractères - Lu 4 Fois

Bibliographie 1

AUT. VAR. Collated by GED CAMPION (2001)
The YRC Guangxi Caves 2000 Expedition. The YRC Bulletin Summer 2001 64 p., 45 photos, 4 cartes, 8 topographies
Résultat des explorations menéees au cours de l’expédition Guangxi Caves 2000 dans la province du Guangxi (Comtés de Leye et Lingyun).
Source : gkc-JPB

Images 0

Topographie 0

Expédition 1

Cette grotte a été identifiée ou explorée au minimum par cette (ces) expédition (s) :
