dong Shadong -


Nom de la grotte : Shadong -
Province, Préfecture, District :
Guangxi 广西壮族自治区, Baise 百色市, Lingyun 凌云县
Latitude Nord - Longitude Est :
24.422618 - 106.609203
Altitude (m) : 649
Développement (m) : 2 855
Profondeur (m) : 120
Profondeur - / + (m) : 0 /
Volume (m3) :
1Entrée : Shadong ,


Description 1

2.6 Shadong

UTM: 48 663149 2701965

Altitude: 649m

Total plan length of survey shots = 2855.13m Vertical range = 120.75m

This is the most extensive cave that we found during our explorations. It was obvious that the local people have visited this cave though to what extent they have gone beyond the main river chamber is unknown.

The entrance is a large porch 25m wide and reaching over 25m in height, which is situated at the head of a valley, which at times of heavy rain carries a stream. A boulder stream passage leads off and eventually reaches a pitch down to a river. This pitch can be bypassed by climbing over mud banks and then descending to the river. This chamber with its roosting bats is vast, the roof being 20m high, the river itself is about 10m wide and can be followed upstream to a sump; downstream also leads to a sump. The whole of this chamber must at times fill up with water (explaining the silt backs) during our explorations the level of the water in this chamber rose 10m! Following on from the chamber is a high level passage which leads, after a few gour pools, to a more aqueous section and an inlet passage. The high level passage must at times act as an overflow for the inlet. The inlet is on average 10m wide and 8m in height and was followed down stream to a pitch where the river could be heard. Due to the nature of the rock, this pitch was not descended. Continuing upstream a sump is eventually reached. A short distance before the sump is another passage, which leads to an unexpected dome shaped chamber. This chamber reaches 40m in height and is about 100m x 100m. The floor is of fine cracked mud, but there are few formations. A couple of minor passages lead off this chamber.

AUT. VAR. Collated by GED CAMPION (2001)
The YRC Guangxi Caves 2000 Expedition. The YRC Bulletin Summer 2001 64 p., 45 photos, 4 cartes, 8 topographies
Analyse : gkc-JPB
Résultat des explorations menéees au cours de l’expédition Guangxi Caves 2000 dans la province du Guangxi (Comtés de Leye et Lingyun).

1721 caractères - Lu 6 Fois

Bibliographie 1

AUT. VAR. Collated by GED CAMPION (2001)
The YRC Guangxi Caves 2000 Expedition. The YRC Bulletin Summer 2001 64 p., 45 photos, 4 cartes, 8 topographies
Résultat des explorations menéees au cours de l’expédition Guangxi Caves 2000 dans la province du Guangxi (Comtés de Leye et Lingyun).
Source : gkc-JPB

Images 0

Topographie 0

Expédition 1

Cette grotte a été identifiée ou explorée au minimum par cette (ces) expédition (s) :
