dong C3-343 -


Nom de la grotte : C3-343 -
Province, Préfecture, District :
Yunnan 云南省, Deqen 迪庆藏族自治州, Zhongdian 中甸县
Latitude Nord - Longitude Est :
Altitude (m) : 0
Développement (m) : 0
Profondeur (m) :
Profondeur - / + (m) : 0 /
Volume (m3) :
1Entrée : C3-343 ,


Description 1

Location: 20m east and 20m above GPS reading. Description: Cave 4m high and 3m wide. Choked at 5m. SW, BS, JW, AM

Aut. Var. Ouvrage collectif (2006) . Edited by Richard Bayfield
Hong Meigui Yunnan 2005 Expedition. Cave expedition to Yunnan Province, China
Expedition Report. Hong Meigui Cave Exploration Society, February 2006

Analyse :
56 pages, , 1 map, 83 photos couleurs. This report details the expedition carried out by members of the Hong Meigui Caving Club in Zhongdian, Yunnan Province, China. This expedition followed up on the prospecting and exploration of the Yunnan 2003 and 2004 expeditions, in order to continue to discover and survey caves found within a mountain range that has a potential depth range of up to 2,300 metres. Description of the studied area and the caves explored.

113 caractères - Lu 10 Fois

Bibliographie 1

Aut. Var. Ouvrage collectif (2006) . Edited by Richard Bayfield
Hong Meigui Yunnan 2005 Expedition. Cave expedition to Yunnan Province, China
Expedition Report. Hong Meigui Cave Exploration Society, February 2006
56 pages, , 1 map, 83 photos couleurs. This report details the expedition carried out by members of the Hong Meigui Caving Club in Zhongdian, Yunnan Province, China. This expedition followed up on the prospecting and exploration of the Yunnan 2003 and 2004 expeditions, in order to continue to discover and survey caves found within a mountain range that has a potential depth range of up to 2,300 metres. Description of the studied area and the caves explored.
Source :

Images 0

Topographie 0

Expédition 1

Cette grotte a été identifiée ou explorée au minimum par cette (ces) expédition (s) :
