dong C3-195 -


Nom de la grotte : C3-195 -
Autres noms : A6
Province, Préfecture, District :
Yunnan 云南省, Deqen 迪庆藏族自治州, Zhongdian 中甸县
Latitude Nord - Longitude Est :
27.786227 - 99.569456
Altitude (m) : 4278
Développement (m) : 60
Profondeur (m) : 80
Profondeur - / + (m) : 80 /
Volume (m3) :
1Entrée : C3-195 ,


Description 1

30m NE of C3-78. At edge of a small bowl among the undulating ground NE of Ye Kang. Entrance is a 10m vertical shaft, 2m diameter at the top and belling out lower down, that lands in a horizontal passage. [The horizontal passage can be followed in either direction from the base of the entrance pitch. Following the passage in a south-east direction from the base of the pitch takes you along 3m wide descending passage for 15m, before the roof drops almost to meet the rocky floor; it is possible to crawl a further 5m before meeting a total choke. Following the passage north from the base of the entrance pitch takes you along easy, 4m wide walking passage, for 20m to a T-junction. Left at the T-junction is (immediately) a chamber with no ways on. Right at the T-junction is a passage which closes down after a further 15m.] 5m north of the base of the entrance pitch is the main way on: a small slot in the left-hand wall which gains a narrow, vertical rift section. The rift feels draughty, and can be descended for 30m (in several hangs, all of which can be rigged from naturals), but eventually lands on a choked floor. The floor at the downhill end of the passage has been dug for several hours; space between rocks was frequently encountered, but no breakthrough was made. A very small trickle of water trickles into the dig. RB, HG

Aut. Var. Ouvrage collectif (2005) . Edited by Hilary Greaves
Hong Meigui Yunnan Resurgences 2004 & Yunnan 2004 Joint Expedition Report Edited by Hilary Greaves, Hong Meigui Cave Exploration Society, March 2005
Analyse :
101 pages, 1 map, 8 caves maps

1343 caractères - Lu 166 Fois

Bibliographie 1

Aut. Var. Ouvrage collectif (2005) . Edited by Hilary Greaves
Hong Meigui Yunnan Resurgences 2004 & Yunnan 2004 Joint Expedition Report Edited by Hilary Greaves, Hong Meigui Cave Exploration Society, March 2005
101 pages, 1 map, 8 caves maps
Source :

Images 0

Topographie 0

Expédition 1

Cette grotte a été identifiée ou explorée au minimum par cette (ces) expédition (s) :
