dong Djindong -


Nom de la grotte : Djindong -
Province, Préfecture, District :
Yunnan 云南省, Baoshan 保山, Tengchong 腾冲县
Latitude Nord - Longitude Est :
25.03170 - 98.43969
Altitude (m) : 1642
Développement (m) : 729
Profondeur (m) : 94
Profondeur - / + (m) : 24 / 70
Volume (m3) :
1Entrée : Djindong ,


Description 1

Djin Dong Cave (Lava Tube)

Djin Dong is a lava tube cave, formed by Pleistocene basaltic-andesitic lava flow. It is located 5.6 km W-NW from Teng Chong town and 0,350 km NE from stone kibbler factory, located in (Teng Chong Xian neighborhood) on the right side of the provincial road 317. The entrance is situated at alt. 1642 m in the middle of the vegetable field 1.2 km west from the massif of a proto volcano.

WGS Coordinates: N25.03170 E98.43969

The main direction of the cave development is W – NE, so the gallery followed the way of the lava, coming up form the volcano. The entrance is elliptic (6.5 x 4.5 m) and vertical. After a drop of 2.5 m the cave branches into two directions E-NE, where the passage is going upward and W - which development is downwards. The length of the law grade passage is 210 m and its depth is – 24.3 m. The scandent branch is 518.50 m long with a depth of + 69.8. The main form of the gallery is oval, but in some places becomes triangle with dimensions in the range from 2-5 m width to 1.5 m – 6 m hight. The floor of the whole cave is covered by basalt blocks, filmed by thick layer of mud and guano. The cave is without decoration, but from some fractures in the ceiling dribble slightly enriched in CO2 water, which precipitate some centimetric stalactite embryos. It is wet and hot (temperature in the scandent passage is 15,3°C and in downwards one is 1-2°C lower. Total length: 728.5. Depth: 94.1 (-24.3); +69.8 m.

Alexey Zhalov edited by, Chinese-bulgarian-greek speleological expedition “Gaolingongshan 2011” in Yunnan province, China. (2012)
48p., 65 photos couleur, 9 figures, Bulgarian Federation of Speleology, April 2012.
Analyse :
This report details the joint Chinese-Bulgarian-Greek expedition carried out by members of Bulgarian Federation of Speleology and Yunnan Institute of Geograhpy & China Exploration & Research Society (CERS ) Yunnan branch, Yunnan Province, China. Yunnan 2012 was a 4-week, 13 person winter caving expedition. This expedition involved a first speleological exploration of the caves of Gaolingongshan and to known some unexplored areas on the mountain. Major finds included the logging and exploration of 8 new caves on the territory of the mountain and its vicinity. The most significant caves which the team explored were far from the main exploration area close to Kunming city. Among them are the longest caves explored during the expedition Yenze Dong (Swallow cave) – 1514 m and Da Shi Dong (Big rock cave) - 1394 m. During the expedition were mapped 11 caves with a total length of the galleries 4972 m and depth 429.60 m (-318.2/+ 89.4)

1469 caractères - Lu 226 Fois

Bibliographie 1

Alexey Zhalov edited by, Chinese-bulgarian-greek speleological expedition “Gaolingongshan 2011” in Yunnan province, China. (2012)
48p., 65 photos couleur, 9 figures, Bulgarian Federation of Speleology, April 2012.
This report details the joint Chinese-Bulgarian-Greek expedition carried out by members of Bulgarian Federation of Speleology and Yunnan Institute of Geograhpy & China Exploration & Research Society (CERS ) Yunnan branch, Yunnan Province, China. Yunnan 2012 was a 4-week, 13 person winter caving expedition. This expedition involved a first speleological exploration of the caves of Gaolingongshan and to known some unexplored areas on the mountain. Major finds included the logging and exploration of 8 new caves on the territory of the mountain and its vicinity. The most significant caves which the team explored were far from the main exploration area close to Kunming city. Among them are the longest caves explored during the expedition Yenze Dong (Swallow cave) – 1514 m and Da Shi Dong (Big rock cave) - 1394 m. During the expedition were mapped 11 caves with a total length of the galleries 4972 m and depth 429.60 m (-318.2/+ 89.4)
Source :

Images 0

Topographie 0

Expédition 1

Cette grotte a été identifiée ou explorée au minimum par cette (ces) expédition (s) :
