A semi-developed cave in a suburb of豊楽 City locats south of Wuchuan. The cave is lit up and has steps enough for tourists.
Entrance is like a tube of 6m diameter going down gently. It continues about 140m. At the point of 50m from the entrance, There is a small shower and making a stream. Local people set a shade avoiding water by plastic sheets. Around this point, flowstones appear on the left side wall. At the end of the tube, the cave become a huge chamber contains various huge speleothems such as columns, shield, stalagmites, stalactites, flowstones, rimstones. Specially shields are 1m diameter and 2m high. Floor of this chamber covered with dry clay or sand. At the centre of the chamber there is a mountain consists of debris covered with flowstones or rimstones. The chamber is about 75m by 100m and has few very short small branches those are filled with clay and finish. This cave is not surveyed. (Noike)
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933 caractères - Lu 186 Fois
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