MA, Raoxuan; LI, Guangfeng; ZHANG, Xinli (1993): Cave resources of Xundian County, Yunnan.-
Proceedings XI Intern. Congress of Speleology, 2nd-8th August 1993, Beijing 1993: 221-222.
The Belgian- Chinese speleo expedition East Yunnan 91 explored approx. 6 km of cave passages and 3,76 km were mapped; most of the cave are situated along the Ganhe River. (RB).
Source : BBS
DUSAR, M.; ZHANG, Shouye (1991) : "East Yunan 1991". Geological and speleological reconnaissance of the East Yunan Karst (PR China). Preliminary results of a field trip between 17.12.1990 and 3.01.1991.-
Professional Paper (Service Géologique de Belgique), 1991/4, no248 (RV)
Source : BBS
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