Description: A sporting pot. Entrance is a 15m pit, 5m diameter, where a small stream sinks. The stream approaches from the northeast side of the pit; this side of the pit is an earth slope, too steep to climb. The 15m entrance pitch is rigged from a large tree on the northwest side of the pit, and lands on a ledge. The 10m second pitch follows immediately, and is rigged from a natural and bolt Y-hang, with a deviation 3m down. From the bottom of the second pitch, a short sloping passage drops down into a chamber where the stream sinks among boulders. An obscure tube bypasses the blockage, and gains the start of a rift, where the water reappears. The rift passage continues (quite narrow and awkward) for 75m to the head of the 6m third pitch, which can be rigged from a spike backup and spike belay, with a thread rebelay 2m down. This third pitch lands in a small chamber which leads immediately to the fourth (12m) and fifth (15m) pitches in quick succession, landing in a chamber. [From the chamber, a climb up on the left-hand side leads to an aven, beyond which the passage becomes too low.] 20m of narrow meandering rift passage leads to the sixth pitch (12m), followed by a further 10m of rift passage that leads round a 90◦right-hand corner to the final pitch (6m). Two 2m climbs lead down to a final short section of passage which gradually lowers to a sump.
Ent (P15) 2nd (P10)
3rd (P6)
Rope Rigging
25m Tree
15m Natural & bolt Y-hang; devi-
12m Spike backup; spike belay;
thread rebelay
4th (P12) 15m 5th (P15) 20m 6th (P12) 15m Last (P6) 10m
Analyse :
1585 caractères - Lu 10 Fois
Site sur les campagne d’expéditions du club de Hong Mei Gui. Dans les provinces du Guizhou, Guangxi, Yunnan. Explorations dans les comtés de Leye, Nandan, Guilin. Données chiffrées sur les cavités topo données topo et photo chronique d’expédition.
Source : Web
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