Cave is located at the base of a shallow doline, 10m from a significant path.
Description: A stooping entrance leads to a chamber, 5m diameter and 3m high. From the far right-hand corner of the chamber, a narrow passage leads downhill for 7m to a sharp left-hand bend and the head of a 15m pitch. (The pitch is just free-climbable, but rope is advisable.) From the bottom of the pitch, a climb up on the right gains a large upward-trending rift passage that closes down after 7m. Bones are littered throughout the cave.
Analyse :
520 caractères - Lu 6 Fois
Site sur les campagne d’expéditions du club de Hong Mei Gui. Dans les provinces du Guizhou, Guangxi, Yunnan. Explorations dans les comtés de Leye, Nandan, Guilin. Données chiffrées sur les cavités topo données topo et photo chronique d’expédition.
Source : Web
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