Chuan Dong – Through Cave (GZ/Qx/18)
Guizhou, Qianxi County
N 27° 07’ 33” E 105° 53’ 50”
Altitude: 1493 m a.s.l.
Cave length: 500 m
Vertical range: +10/-45 m
Exploration: Guizhou 2000
Surveyors: L. Latella, R. Zorzin (Oct. 2000)
Type of research: hydrogeological, physicalchemical analyses, biological, archaeological
Cave description:
This is a series of karstic systems, explorable only in their first sections, which connects four distinct valleys over a distance of 2 km. The main cave is at higher altitude than the others, which are active. The karstic system is a large fossil gallery, fortified with a man-made wall at the entrance and connected, through a series of areas which underwent hydrographic rejuvenation and collapsed galleries, to a narrow and elongated polje, where a river flows before disappearing into a sinkhole. Three different erosive phases, with typical vadose morphology, is recognizable
in the active cave. (R. Zorzin)
Leonardo Latella, Roberto Zorzin : Caves explored during the scientific expeditions to China of the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of Verona
Research in South China Karst - Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona - 2. serie - Monografie Naturalistiche 3-2008
Analyse : gkc-JPB
Results of the 13 expeditions organized by the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale ofVerona to southern China. One-hundred-twenty-five caves were explored, for a total of more than 60 km inlength. For each cave we list the progressive number, the cadastral number, the type of research conducted and ashort description of the cave. Most of the caves are located in Guizhou Province, in Qianxi County. The hydrogeology,biology, geography and archaeology of the area were investigated during the scientific expeditions. 40 pages, No caves maps, 21 photos.
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