Wu Shao Ming Dong cave
The cave is located ~ 800 m NW from Damaindi village The entrance is disposed at 2092 m altitude. it has round form and diameter ~ 5 m.
WGS Coordinates N25.45159 E98.60404, altitude 2092 m.
The first pit (P1-10.20) ended at little stony ground where the second one begins. The drop of 17 m lead to room covered with soil, fallen trees and leaves. The third pit is the deepest one of the cave (-69 m). There is big boulder in the bottom and all around is covered with clay. Sidewards, after the getting over of little scandent passage (20 m in length) there the is a pit 13 m deep. The bottom is a crossing point of 3 galleries all of which lead to 3 different pitches. The first one is reachable after technical free climbing of a highly scandent paving stone. (Depth 19 m). The next two are located lower from the bottom they are respectively 17 and 10 m deep. In the bottom of the 17 shaft there is the lowest point of the cave. The total length of the cave is 255 m. Depth 118.1 m. The cave is surveyed at 2 November 2012.
Alexey Zhalov edited by, Chinese-bulgarian-greek speleological expedition “Gaolingongshan 2011” in Yunnan province, China. (2012)
48p., 65 photos couleur, 9 figures, Bulgarian Federation of Speleology, April 2012.
Analyse :
This report details the joint Chinese-Bulgarian-Greek expedition carried out by members of Bulgarian Federation of Speleology and Yunnan Institute of Geograhpy & China Exploration & Research Society (CERS ) Yunnan branch, Yunnan Province, China.Yunnan 2012 was a 4-week, 13 person winter caving expedition. This expedition involved a first speleological exploration of the caves of Gaolingongshan and to known some unexplored areas on the mountain. Major finds included the logging and exploration of 8 new caves on the territory of the mountain and its vicinity. The most significant caves which the team explored were far from the main exploration area close to Kunming city. Among them are the longest caves explored during the expedition Yenze Dong (Swallow cave) – 1514 m and Da Shi Dong (Big rock cave) - 1394 m. During the expedition were mapped 11 caves with a total length of the galleries 4972 m and depth 429.60 m (-318.2/+ 89.4)
1048 caractères - Lu 18 Fois