dong Shangniudong -

2.8 Shangniudong
UTM 48 666654 2708277
Altitude: 700m
Total plan length of survey shots = 750.43m Vertical range = 75.03m
The entrance to this cave is situated in the side of a valley and is a porch (7m x 7m). The entrance passage which draughts strongly leads to a pitch, 20m, down which a sizeable passage (15m x 10m) leads off. Beyond another pitch is a series of confusing passages, which are fairly well decorated. More development needed. There were numerous other entrances along the same cliff face that we briefly investigated, all of which ended abruptly. The lowest one, just above a sink, was descended to a depth of approximately 15m, where the way on was completely blocked by flood debris.

AUT. VAR. Collated by GED CAMPION (2001)
The YRC Guangxi Caves 2000 Expedition. The YRC Bulletin Summer 2001 64 p., 45 photos, 4 cartes, 8 topographies
Analyse : gkc-JPB
Résultat des explorations menéees au cours de l’expédition Guangxi Caves 2000 dans la province du Guangxi (Comtés de Leye et Lingyun).

704 caractères - Lu 106 Fois
