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ACTA CARSOLOGICA 28/2 14 225-240 LJUBLJANA 1999@

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Description : ACTA CARSOLOGICA 28/2 14 225-240 LJUBLJANA 1999 SOUTH CHINA KARST 1999 PRELIMINARY RESEARCH IN YUNNAN JU@NOKITAJSKI KRAS 1999 PREDHODNE RAZISKAVE V YUNNANU Abstract UDC: 551.44(510) 1999 Janja Kogov{ek & Andrej Kranjc & Tadej Slabe & Stanka [ebela: South China Karst 1999, Preliminary research in Yunnan From 1995 researchers from Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU are working on slovene-chinese karstological projects. In 1998 their studies were published in the book "South China Karst". Also in the year 1999 researches took place in Yunnan, that's in central Lunan shilin (stone forest) as well as in less touristically known shilins. Beside this they have been recognising characteristics of cone and tower karst in the regions of Babao and Puzhehei. Key words: geology, hydrology, geomorphology, speleology, tower karst, shilin, Yunnan, China.

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