Take the road to Tongzi. Go past the turn off to Longba, to the top of the hill. Turn left on a steep dirt road; go about 400 m. Park in front of the house on the left, and take a trail up the hill on the right. Walk about 5 min (about 200m), cave entrance is on the right across a flat area.
Hanging Rat
15m wide, 10m tall horizontal entrance slope goes down, enlarging into a room with a flat mud floor. There is a passage on the left that leads to a 5m pit rigged with a boulder tie-off, traverse to thrubolt y-hang in the ceiling and a thrubolt deviation. At the bottom of the pit there is a mud-covered boudler room with no way on. The main cave continues horizontally with a mud floor, and ends in a small chamber with columns and formations. There are a number of unpromising high leads (ladder required for one). [QM C]
Nancy Pistole
Matt Ryan
Matt Oliphant
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Site sur les campagne d’expéditions du club de Hong Mei Gui. Dans les provinces du Guizhou, Guangxi, Yunnan. Explorations dans les comtés de Leye, Nandan, Guilin. Données chiffrées sur les cavités topo données topo et photo chronique d’expédition.
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