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Date de chargement sur le serveur : 19-01-2011 00:00
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Catégorie : Expéditions
Description : Hong Meigui Tian Xing 2004 was a 9-week, 15-member caving expedition to Tian Xing village of Wulong County, Chongqing Muncipality in southwest China. The expedition was affiliated to the Hong Meigui Cave Exploration Society. The expedition continued work of previous Hong Meigui CES and China Caves Project expeditions to the same area. A total of 9,665m of passage were surveyed, including significant extensions to Dà KÄ“ng (depth 775m) and Liù ChÇ AÅkÇ’u Xià Dà²ng (depth 592m), which are now ranked as the second and fourth deepest caves in China. Numerous new entrances were located and explored, including Bamboo Cave (depth 356m) and Là¡nmù Shù Dà²ng (depth 230m), both with potential for further exploration. A video documentary was made of the expedition. Biological specimens were collected as part of a ongoing collaboration with the Yunnan Institute of Zoology. Follow-up expeditions are planned for 2005 and beyond.
Auteur :
Page d'accueil : http://www.hongmeigui.net