Taille du fichier : 1.6 MB
Version : 1
Date de chargement sur le serveur : 25-04-2007 00:00
Chargements : 1 672
Catégorie : Expéditions
Description :
This report documents the expedition carried out by members of the Hong Meigui (HMG) Caving Club in Zhongdian, Yunnan Province, China during 2005. This expedition was a 4 week, 13 person summer caving expedition based between mid-July and mid-August. The brief aims of the expedition were to explore known caves and discover new entrances both on the 4,300 metre plateau between Zhongdian and the Jinsha Jiang (Yangtze River) and at resurgence level 2,300 metres below. This expedition was based on the work carried out by the Hong Meigui expeditions of 2002 [HMG02], 2003 [HMG03] and 2004 [HMG04]. Following extensive reconnaissance work in 2002, a specific mountain range had been identified, just west of the town of Zhongdian, which looked particularly promising in terms of undiscovered caves. This mountain range attracted excitement because of its depth potential: rainfall on mountains of up to 4,500m altitude appeared to drain underground and reappear at known resurgences in and near the Jinsha Jiang valley at 2,000 – 2,200m altitude, making for a depth potential of 2-2.5km.
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