dong Xiundong -

Xiun Dong (GZ/Qx/8)
Guizhou, Qianxi County, Honglin Town
N 27° 07’ 60’’ E 105° 51’ 30’’
Altitude: 1508 m a.s.l.
Cave length: 1258 m
Exploration: Guizhou 2000
Surveyors: G. Berzacola, A. Buzio, C. Ciapparelli (14 Oct. 2000); R. Zorzin, A. Pernechele (16 Oct. 2000)
Type of research: physical-chemical analyses, biological.
Cave description:
The cave is a sink at the end of a blind valley. The first section of the gallery is very wide and connects to a lower level through a shaft. The cave continues with a wide gallery followed by a section with the bottom covered by collapse debris. In the terminal section the roof lowers to a sump. (R. Zorzin)

Analyse :

664 caractères - Lu 132 Fois
